Om Ṣri Gurubhyo Namaha
This blog attempts to reflect on questions such as - What are the circumstances in which the Krṣṇa Avatar happened? When does the Divine manifest in the world? How can we relate to the mystical stories of Avatāras? & finally, how can we understand the impact of an Avatāra on our civilization?
In order to answer these questions, we draw from Ṣri Krṣṇa Avatāra. I offer my thoughts and efforts at His lotus feet.
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevāya
What are the circumstances in which the Krṣṇa Avatāra happened?
A common notion about Ṣri Krṣṇa Avatāra - he was a carefree boy playing pranks on young maidens, stealing butter from their houses, and enjoying the attention of all the people. He lived a colourful life as a God amongst the humans. Is this the Truth?
He was born in prison. He had to part ways with his parents on the day he was born and lived with his foster mother, Yaṣodhā. He was being attacked by demons frequently. He met his biological mother only years after his birth. He had to guide his cousins, for which he had to take drastic resolutions.
It is paramount to understand the generation in which Ṣri Krṣṇa existed. During the Mahābhārata time, the population was alarmingly high. When the population is high, morals and ethics are on the decline.
Kauravas were having a sensual longing for material wealth and were only bothered about secular values. Meanwhile, The Pāndavas had a larger perspective of a Cultural and National identity. But they were outnumbered by the Kauravas.
Ṣri Krṣṇa was a diplomat, a mysterious person of inner perfection & beauty. He was the complete manifestation of the all-pervading divinity to guide the Pāndavas and direct, lead, guide, and correct the mistakes in the world at that time.
The Supremehood descends on earth as an Avatāra at a time of gloom in every generation. IT hastens the clearing of the path for seekers filled with unrighteousness and darkness.
It is through adopting the standard of that time that Avatāra becomes the answer to the Age.
In the Dwāpara Yuga, it was Ṣri Krṣṇa who was the answer to the wretched Age. When politics was divorced from righteousness and spirituality, Krṣṇa had to align the two to re-establish balance in the world.
When does the Supreme Divinity manifest in the world?
The immutable, eternal, and infinite Supreme Reality takes a form to re-establish Dharma. It is not a wild imagination of any rishi.
In the 3rd chapter of Kenopaniṣad, there is a story that elucidates this concept. Hence, this concept of supreme reality descending to the gross world has the Upaniṣadic sanction.
The Devas were mighty and irreplaceable. It made them feel invincible and led to their arrogance. They identified themselves as separate deities without realizing that the source behind them is the one Supreme Reality.
The Supreme Reality manifested into a Yakṣa and descended to the heavens to guide the devas and help them realize the Truth.
The Yakṣa challenged the Devas. All the devas decided to send Agnī first. The Yaksha challenged Agni to burn a blade of grass. Agni tried with all his might but failed miserably.
Every Deva went one after the other to win the battle with the Yakṣa, but no one could. When Indra approached the Yakṣa, IT transformed itself into the Divine Mother, Goddess Devi. Devi is the symbol of compassion, surrender & sensitivity.
Indra just surrendered to her. The Divine Mother reminded him that the victory of the Brahmaṇ (Supreme Reality) is the victory of everything. Indra was purely thrilled by this. He discovered who the Yakṣa was and what the Truth is.
The Devas realized their folly and identified with the Supreme Reality again. This wisdom is a gift to all humanity. That we are part of the whole, the whole is a part of us.
It is this reason the Supreme Consciousness manifests as an Avatāra. To reorganize the society for good people to grow, to facilitate their spiritual evolution during obscured times.
How can we relate to the mystical stories of Avatāras? - Story from Krṣṇa’s Life
The Avatāra of Ṣri Krṣṇa, explained by Rṣi Ved Vyāsa, has so many lessons for seekers to stay on the path of seeking and realising the Truth.
Every story has an esoteric import. The artist in Rṣi Ved Vyāsa has beautifully given us timeless portraits through these stories. Let us look at one incident of Ṣri Krṣṇa to understand this better.
While everyone in Vrindāvan lived merrily with Krṣṇa at the centre of their lives, no one dared to go to the Yamunā river. There was a humongous, venomous snake with many hoods in the name of Kāliyā.
One day Ṣri Krṣṇa jumped into the river filled with the dangerous poison of Kāliyā. Everyone in the village watched with anxiety. Krṣṇa rose from beneath the water, standing atop the snake's hood.
He played the flute and danced atop the multi-headed snake as the snake tried to dislodge him. The weight of every step as Krṣṇa danced kept increasing until finally, the snake dropped down and surrendered.
Now, this might seem like a meaningless mystic story. But the compassionate Gurus of our land have given us the esoteric interpretations of these stories to understand them better.
Swāmi Chinmayananda has given an interpretation of this story.
The poisonous snake Kāliyā represents the baser, sensuous mind. Its multiple hoods and mouths represent the incessant chatter the mind creates in the form of thoughts and emotions.
Lord Krṣṇa dancing on top of Kāliyā signifies holding the Supreme God as the center of focus during our contemplation and meditations.
The more we focus on the Lord in our meditations, the force of the Supreme grace gets heavier. The Supreme splendour tames the baser mind and leads to the manifestation of perfection in man.
Now, this is a complete symbol for the seekers to draw inspiration. This way, every story of Ṣri Krṣṇa has a deeper meaning for the seekers.
The symbols behind the stories of Purāna are unfathomable. They can even have multiple interpretations, not only in spirituality but in various strata of life.
We must work on bringing these symbolic imports of stories back into the consciousness of the people. These symbols will help those seekers who have gone astray to come back to the path of liberation (Mokṣa).
Shubha Janmashtami. This Janmashtami, while we celebrate the birth of Ṣri Krṣṇa Avatar, let us also take a step towards achieving perfection by constantly contemplating and meditating on Bhagavan Ṣri Krṣṇa.
How can we truly understand the impact of an Avatāra on our civilization?
Dharma (loosely translated as benevolence in all endeavours) and Mokṣa (Pursuit to achieve freedom from one’s limiting tendencies and false values) are wedded together. Both act upon each other.
When society is following Dharma, its Mokṣa is conducive. Likewise, when people pursue the path of Mokṣa, Dharma eventually becomes embodied by that society. This is the central characteristic of the Bharatīya Civilization.
Every Avatāra re-established Dharma and simultaneously cleared the path for the seekers to pursue the path of Mokṣa (Liberation)
Let us collectively worship Bhagavan Ṣri Krṣṇa this Janmāṣtami. Seek his guidance for society to follow the path of Dharma. At the same time, remove the obstacles in the journey towards Mokṣa for the Seekers.
#srikrishna #janmashtami #festivalsofbharat #avatara
Om Ṣri Gurubhyo Namaha
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevāya
4. Kenopanishad -