Sri Gurubhyo Namaha
Sri Maha Ganadhi Pathaye Namaha
Today, we determine success by the number of possessions and property we own. We measure success by the material prowess we achieve in our lives. Does life have only to do with material prosperity? What truly is our blessing?
We must explore one of the most misconstrued stories from the Puranas to understand what truly our blessing is. The Story of Ganeshas birth has a deep meaning which gets neglected while holding on to verbatim.
Stories in Purana are for deeper analysis and interpretation. Taking it word for word does a great disservice to them. These stories have a subtle symbolism at a deeper level.
Symbols make our life easy. They are all around us. The words we use to communicate are nothing but Symbols.
In our tradition, we used symbolism to express the Transcendental Truth, The Supreme Reality. It opens a new dimension where we can merge the Divine and the mundane to express the inexpressible.
These Symbols are for contemplation and spiritual pursuit. We must learn the language of symbols to progress in our Spiritual lives and unveil our true potential.
Ma Parvati created Ganesha through the dead skin she collected from her bathes. She was very attached to Ganesha as she invented him. It symbolizes the three residues that exist within us, Mal (attachment), Vikshepa (projection), and Avarana (veiling).
These are the sources of the various ailments one goes through internally - Anger, Greed, Lust, Pride, Fear, and Attachment. We do not let go of these impurities quickly. We are attached to them.
We need a yogi like Shiva to destroy these negativities. He is not just an unassailable Tapasvin but also content and satisfied.
Shiva is omnipotent. If he had thought, he could have reduced Ganesha to ashes. The negative tendencies and impressions are nothing but energies.
Negative energies can be transformed to positive dynamic potential if wisely channelized. Turning it into ashes is not going to benefit us. We will have nothing to work efficiently.
Hence, Lord Shiva chops off Ganeshas head with his trident. The trident has three spokes implying the three modes of nature - TriGunas. These are the diverse climatic conditions that impact our psychological make-up.
All three Gunas are present in us but have different combinations and proportions. These variations in Gunas impact our minds. It decides the distinct flavor in every individual.
To overcome our inner ailments and follies, we need to understand the TriGunas and use them. To cut off the ego (obstructs knowledge).
Shiva cutting off Ganeshas head epitomizes knowledge triumphing over Ignorance.
Shiva then realizes that he has to replace Ganeshas head with something else to complete himself. Parvati laments and asks Shiva to do something. It embodies the fact that we need a balance between the masculine and feminine qualities within us. Men have Feminine qualities while Women have Masculine characteristics in them.
An elephant’s head is preferred to replace Ganesha’s head. An elephant’s head is enormous. They have exceptional memory. What does this convey?
Our confined intellect is ordered, regulated by our ego and vanities. This limited intellect gets vanquished when we come under the influence of the scriptures. In its place, we get a higher intelligence with better discriminative abilities.
The elephant’s trunk protruding in the middle from the head is very deft at lifting a tiny pin and at the same time uprooting a tree.
When we develop the discerning capability within us, how does it help us? It helps in differentiating between what is real and unreal in the outer world. It also helps us subjectively understand our weaknesses within us.
The Power of Discernment is Man’s true blessing. Claiming it and tapping into its reservoir is the Real Achievement of man.
The ability to discern in our traditional knowledge is called Viveka. Viveka is the first step in our spiritual journey.
This meta-skill of Viveka catapults us to deep thinking behind the impermanent nature of things and circumstances around us.
Now we are stuck in the realm of the impermanent world. To move away from it, we need to live a life of Viveka - Discernment. It will unleash further progress in our spiritual journey and pursuit of life.
That is why we worship Lord Ganesha first before doing anything in the world. We invoke the Higher Intelligence and the power of discernment. Through this, we can wade through the muddy waters of unbridled materialism that permeates and traps us in our worldly life.
It is beautiful to see in India that most Hindu households have a Ganesha altar at the entrance. It could have helped the householder to live a life of discernment.
We must also bring our awareness of the innate Viveka Shakthi - Power of Discernment present in the chambers of our inner household.
Invoking Shri Ganesha with this awareness and a sense of devotion will help us develop this ability.
Let us partake in the celebrations and rituals of Lord Ganesha this Ganesh Chaturthi to connect with the Unborn, Attributeless, Formless, All-Pervading Consciousness (Ajam Nirvikalpam Niraakaaramekam). Let us fill our minds with the Spirit of Ganesha as we fill our bellies with the Prasada he gave us.
Subha Vinayaka Chaturthi
Sri Gurubhyo Namaha
Sri Maha Ganadhi Pathaye Namaha
1. Symbolism In Hinduism - Swami Chinmayananda
4. Hindu Iconology The study of symbolism and meaning of icons - Pandit Sri Rama Ramanuja Achari